In this video, we discuss the DHA Gujranwala project overview, file prices, plot prices, the current market situation, and some frequently asked questions: Which is the best investment in a plot or file in 2024? At the time of balloting news, all these files touched the top gain. The current market situation of DHA Gujranwala is favorable, and on-ground development work is going...
DHA Gujranwala (Defense Housing Authority) has shared ground-breaking information. Through their official Facebook page, the authorities announced exciting news about Executive Block and Commercial Zone 3. According to the social media post, the authorities announced December 20th as the possession date for Commercial Zone-3 and Executive Block. The much-awaited possession phase...
In this video, we discuss the DHA Gujranwala project overview, file prices, and the current market situation. First, we cover the five Marla files in DHA Gujranwala. This file was launched in 2017 with a price tag of Rs. 20 lakh. Later in 2019, the society launched 10 marla, 1 kanal residential file, as well as 4 malra and 8 marla. The launch price of 10 Malra was 44 lacs, and...