Park view City Announces Balloting for Overseas Blocks, Offer Special Discount

Park view City Announces Balloting for Overseas Blocks | Special Discount Offer
As per the recent news, Park view City Islamabad has revealed the deadline for balloting for overseas blocks. Balloting has scheduled for July 30, 2022. The society also announced a special discount offer for installment plans.
Here are more details on this:
- A 10% discount is available when paying in installments for all blocks that are not yet due.
- Also, 50% discount will be given on late payments for overdue installments.
Read: Park View City Islamabad Overseas and General Block Booking Open
Overseas Block members can submit a 50% payment by July 25, 2022, and a part of the ballot. Moreover, those members who have not paid 50% of the installment payment can participate in balloting by paying all overdue installments.
Members who have paid all installments can participate in the balloting. This special offer is valid until July 30, 2022, so pay all remaining dues and qualify for the ballot.
Read: Parkview City Islamabad Announces Inauguration Date for J Block and Overseas Blocks
To get the 10% discount, the Pre-payment must be made at least 1 month prior to the due date.
Furthermore, Payments can be made online or at Bank Alfalah and Silk Bank branches. Moreover, The details of the account number are given below.
Title: Park View Enclave (PVT) LTD
Bank Name: Silk Bank Limited
Account # : 0002-2006384431 IBAN: PK60 SAUD 0000 0220 0638 4431 Swift Code: SAUDPKKA Branch: Main Branch, Islamabad (0002) |
Bank Name: Bank Alfalah Limited
Account # : 0131-1005644792 IBAN: PK36 ALFH 03131 0010 0564 4792 Swift Code: ALFHPKKA131 Branch: F-10 Markaz, Islamabad (0131) |