New Metro City Gujar Khan has announced Early Bird Balloting FAQs.

New Metro City Gujar Khan Early Bird Balloting is the top-most trend in the real estate market nowadays. The Early balloting is announced to take place on Aug 20, 2022, by the owner Mr. Bilal Malik. He is well-known for providing reliable development and real estate properties at affordable prices.
New Metro City Gujar Khan is an exclusively initiated residential project developed by BSM Group. The project includes amazing features, top-class amenities, and a wide range of properties. Early bird Balloting will be held for Block A, one of the most lavish blocks of the society featuring Glow park and Miracle Gardens.
As the Early Bird Balloting approaches, New Metro City has announced several FAQs for the benefit of its investors.
The New Metro City Gujar Khan officials have informed us of the following Early Bird Balloting FAQs:
Q1: What are the Early Bird Balloting policies?
Ans: New Metro City Gujar Khan’s policy requires all customers must submit their forms before August 19, 2022, to participate in Early Bird Balloting.
Q2: Is there a confirmation fee required for Block A plots?
Ans: No confirmation fee is required until the plot is officially confirmed in block A.
Q3: Are plot numbers Allotted in block A blotting?
Ans: The allocated files in Early Balloting Block A on August 20, 2022, plot number will be announced shortly after the event.
Q4: Will file holders who submitted files before August 20, 2022, have a plot in block A?
Ans: Customers that submit their files before August 19th will participate in the New Metro City Early Bird balloting for the block. Those who cannot submit files by the deadline will be allotted plots in Sector-A.
Q5: If no plot is allotted to the file holder in block A, where will he be allotted a plot?
Ans: All Early Balloting forms will be allotted plots in the Block of New Metro City Gujar Khan. Those who are not awarded plots in Block A will be assigned a plot to an upcoming block of the society
Early bird balloting of New Metro City Gujar Khan is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not to be missed.