E- Passport system to be released by June: Sheikh Rashid  

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17/04/2021 4:34 pm  

According to the Interior Minister, Pakistan is going to introduce an e-passport system by June, which is why it has acquired the services of a German company.

Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, after visiting the FIA's regional offices, talking with reporters, said it was a significant change that would help overcome all the hurdles of the existing system for passport seekers.

In response to the question, he said, “I am confident that this (e-passport) service will be available until June 2021. After that, there will no longer wait or lawsuits for small work. This project has been signed with a German company and will be of great relief to anyone who wants quick service in the passport office.”

An e-passport is a very secure travel document with an embedded microchip containing biometric data about the holder.

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