Crystal Lagoons® collaborates with ARY Group to develop 15 Public Access Lagoons™  

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01/12/2020 8:08 pm  

It is the fifth most populous country in the world where water is a basic cultural element. Pakistan is the newest market for Crystal Lagoons®. Multinationals have signed an exclusive master agreement to develop 15 public access lagoon™, also known as PAL™.

This latest development adds to the list of highly successful projects that the Crystal Lagoons business model is currently experiencing around the world. In Pakistan, an American water innovation multinational has partnered with ARY Group, the country's leading business entity in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, and operates a business relating to the banking world, real estate, 12 TV channels that broadcast in more than 100 countries, gold production, retail, jewellery and more.

The owner Salman Iqbal, is considered one of the most influential Muslims in the world and one of the most daring entrepreneurs in the entertainment industry. He also owns Pakistan's  leading cricket team,  sponsored by “ARY Laguna Karachi.” This is the first project of Crystal Lagoon and will be developed in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan, a strategic port and financial capital. 

These projects, considered major contracts, will be developed in Pakistan's major cities such as Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Peshawar, Multan, Sukur and Rakanah. Once operational, it will generate over $550 million in annual sales with over 12 million visitors per year.

The development has become a key focus as Pakistan is now open to the world and increasingly adopts aspects of Western culture, urban infrastructure and entertainment alternatives. For this reason, the ARY Group Consortium has identified PAL as a replicable and innovative urban entertainment model due to the variety of events it can host, such as events, launches, fairs, food halls, weddings, concerts, day clubs, etc. All have multiple levels and platforms, ranging from idyllic environments to beaches, peninsulas within illuminated lagoons, terraces, transparent domes, a range of gastronomic services, retail stores, beach clubs, amphitheatres, recreational and cultural activities.

“PAL transforms every location into the most fun place in the city, greatly improving the urban environment and creating beach life just steps away from people's homes. The project will change the living vision of millions of people who live in Pakistan's largest cities by bringing parts of the sea closer to home. This, in turn, means you can reduce travel to the beach by car or plane, which means a positive environmental benefit,” explains Felipe Baldwin, Global Business Director at Crystal Lagoons.

The Master PAL model has attracted prominent economic groups around the world, increasing the sales of Crystal Lagoons exponentially. Licensing agreements signed by the company in recent months include 16 lagoons in the US, 30 PALs in Korea, 30 lagoons in Mexico, and 18 lagoons in Central America.


In addition, multinational companies are conducting advanced negotiations in Japan, South Africa, Australia, Middle East, Israel, Italy, Spain, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Cambodia, Morocco and Peru.

“Pakistan is a market with great potential for PAL projects due to its climate and population, among other factors. Just as a British architect 200 years ago introduced a forest into the city of London to create urban parks, Crystal Lagoons brings the sea to the heart of cities around the world. This is a very strong city proposition for Crystal Lagoons to choose the best partners around the world,” concludes Baldwin.


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