Coastline of Lasbela, Gwadar developed for tourism  

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16/08/2021 4:15 pm  

Prime Minister Imran Khan said the government plans to convert the coastline of Lasbela and Gwadar into tourist attractions, according to the news sources reported.

However, the federal government will work with the provincial government to invite experienced consultants for scientific and technological evaluation and ideas for area development.

The Prime Minister attended a plantation ceremony on Sonmiani Beach this morning and said that Lasbela has many entertainment options and that tourism development will create wealth and jobs, as well as expand medical and educational facilities.

They praised the efforts of those involved in reforestation campaigns that they deem important to combat global warming. He also said that the development of Balochistan is very important to Pakistan's growth, for which the government has allocated 1 trillion PKR to various development programs.

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