DHA Quetta Phase 1 Land Acquisition For Stage I till July 31, 2020  

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10/06/2020 6:18 pm  

DHA Quetta Phase 1 Land Acquisition For Stage I by July 31, 2020

DHA Quetta announced the acquisition of land from October 2018. Currently at least 21 months of time, DHA Quetta has completed the land acquisition for stage 1.  However,  the last date to provide land to DHA Quetta Phase 1 for Stage 1 is July 31, 2020.

Following Mouzas are included in Phase 1:

  • Baleli
  • Malazai
  • Gadazai
  • Tarkha Gordat Singh
  • Karak
  • Mehtarzai
  • No Hisar

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